March 7-8, 2023 | 10:00 am - 4:00 pm EST
2023 NYC Coalition for Teacher Preparation Annual ConferenceOur Goals
Respond to district and NYC communities
NYC Coalition For Teacher Preparation Model Components
- Semester-long experience in NYCDOE host school in communities of color, 4-5 days/week
- Student teaching seminar aligned to student teaching experience
- Candidates co-teach and take gradual responsibility for the classroom alongside a Cooperating Teacher who embodies culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy
- Regular observation by and feedback from Site Coordinator
- Use of multiple sources of data, e.g. videos, K-12 student perceptions
- Structured feedback cycles, both formal and informal – driven by the Site Coordinator and Cooperating Teachers, using agreed upon and aligned rubrics, provide candidates actionable, coherent feedback to improve their practice
- Aligns to NYCDOE core pedagogical practices, relevant NYS standards, and NYSED CR-SE
- Encompasses perspectives from communities of color
- Prepares candidates to be culturally responsive and sustaining educators (in partnership with DOE)
- Provides high-quality opportunities to practice learning from coursework, e.g. micro-teaching, case-based instruction, simulations, video analysis, and lesson study
- Grounded in current NYCDOE evaluation framework, Framework for Teaching
- Relies on multiple sources of data and includes structured feedback
- Occurs regularly each semester
- Co-scoring of select artifacts to ensure inter-rater reliability
- Tied to interventions and supports as well as clear exit criteria
- Full-time faculty member with robust, recent, and preferably NYCDOE experience, who serves as partnership liaison
- Develop and teach methods coursework
- Conduct student teaching seminar
- Mentor Cooperating Teachers and teacher candidates
- Actively participate in yearly convenings, engage in regular professional development series with Coalition, and commit to sharing experiences and resources with the broader Coalition
- Develop and implement formal and informal professional learning that aligns with the Teacher Educator Practices Framework and that supports teacher educators to deepen their understanding of how marginalized communities are impacted by structural inequities
- Train and calibrate on Danielson Framework for Teaching, NYSED CR-SE Framework, and professionalism/disposition rubric
- Ongoing application of learnings to improve curricula, teaching, and coaching of teacher candidates
- Focused on surfacing and mitigating implicit biases and integrating CR-SE & racial literacy into coursework
- Feedback that support teacher educators to improve their practice and further embody culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy
- Student teacher placements at school sites that serve BISOC, students experiencing economic hardship, Students with Disabilities, Multilingual Learners, LGBTQI+, and other students who have been marginalized by systemic inequities
- Student teacher experiences scheduled around and responsive to the NYCDOE calendar
- Recruitment, selection, and professional learning support of exceptional Cooperating Teachers
- University-district partners co-develop strategic teacher recruitment plans, including goals to increase numbers of BIPOC teachers and address district shortage areas
- Plans contain focused, measurable, and time-bound goals and benchmarks and address equity and inclusion goals
- Make collective commitment across partners to share data
- Plan for what data is needed by whom and when to do what
- Dictates details of how data is collected, analyzed, and used
- Build coherence throughout the Shared Governance Structures, anchored in evaluating progress towards full implementation of the 12 Components
- Identify disproportionate outcomes
- Use data visualizations and reports to facilitate decision-making
- Collect and disaggregate data on:
- Teacher candidates (e.g., student perception survey, NYCDOE teacher evaluation framework)
- Cooperating Teacher (e.g., TEPF look-fors)
- Pilot program (e.g., pilot experience survey, stakeholder focus groups, annual progress reporting against Gates O&Is )
- Sustainable program development (e.g., school employment records, principal survey, teacher educator focus groups, NYCDOE ORD data such as licensure needs and attrition)
- Governance meetings at least 2x per semester at the school level, at least quarterly at the IHE level, and biannually at the NYCDOE level
- Communication protocols
- Data collection analysis and use plans
The NYC Coalition for Teacher Preparation seeks to address these needs through a bold vision for impact

Our Vision
Vision for the Partnership
Transform how the district, school sites, and teacher preparation programs partner
Build a rigorous and coherent teacher preparation program for NYC teacher candidates, specifically in schools and communities of color, to disrupt systemic inequity
Increase the number of Black, Indigenous, and other teacher candidates of color

Our Impact
Ultimate benefit of the Partnership
New teachers entering our system will:
Have an immediate positive impact on Black, Indigenous, and other students of color, students experiencing economic hardship, Students with Disabilities, Multilingual Learners, LGBTQI+, and other students who have been marginalized by systemic inequities
Represent the racial diversity of our school system
Feel welcomed by and invested in their hiring schools and be retained by the DOE

Our Vision for Partnership
Co-design a compelling vision for strong educator workforce development in New York City
- Better serve our students and their school communities
- Hire and retain exceptional and racially diverse teachers
- Benefit from expertise of university faculty and research
- Participate in coalition of universities committed to high quality teacher preparation
- Provide teacher candidates clinical placements with exceptional Cooperating Teachers
- Attract more racially diverse candidates through district supported initiative
- Create and retain a stronger pipeline of prepared teachers
- Build teacher candidate investment in the school community
- Provide leadership opportunities for in-service teachers without leaving the classroom
The NYC Coalition for Teacher Preparation will begin as a pilot with three teacher preparation program partners and then expand over time
Year 1
After winning a 3-year grant, the NYCDOE shadowed US PREP, a renowned teacher preparation partnership facilitator, to learn how it worked with institutions of higher education (IHE), districts, and school sites to build impactful, lasting partnerships
Year 2
The NYCDOE developed its own model by gathering stakeholder input and adapting best practices from US PREP to fit its own context
Year 3
2020 & Onward
After engaging its first set of IHE partners, the NYCDOE will pilot the model and work closely with the IHEs and school sites to test the model’s effectiveness, make changes as needed, and plan for a long-term partnership beyond the grant

NYC Coalition for Teacher Preparation
Frequently Asked Questions
What is this partnership all about?
The NYC Coalition for Teacher Preparation aims to strengthen how the district, school sites, and teacher preparation program partners work together to prepare teachers for NYC’s public schools. Together, we’ll build a rigorous and coherent teacher preparation experience for teacher candidates, specifically in schools and communities of color marginalized by systemic inequalities. Coalition members will also work together to attract, support, and retain Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and other teacher candidates of color.
How is this partnership opportunity different from previous partnerships with the NYCDOE?
While the NYC Coalition for Teacher Preparation builds on the work from previous partnerships, it is unique in three primary ways:
- This partnership is grounded in a vision for equity. It seeks to prepare NYC teaching candidates to teach in schools and communities of color marginalized by systemic inequalities based on race, ethnicity, and language within the NYCDOE, with a specific focus on increasing the number of teacher candidates of color.
- This partnership includes technical assistance and seed funding. NYCDOE will provide technical assistance to preparation programs and school site partners as they design, implement, and continuously improve a stronger clinical experience in alignment with the new NYSED clinical preparation regulations. Additionally, the NYCDOE will provide seed funding during the pilot year to support preparation programs with the Site Coordinator role.
- This partnership is committed to stakeholder feedback, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Over the past year, the NYCDOE reached out to preparation programs, school leaders, and teacher candidates for feedback on the partnership model. NYCDOE used this feedback to ensure the partnership model aligns with revised state regulations and provides the appropriate support for all partners. This partnership model also includes regular meetings where all partners will come together to measure progress and continuously improve their work.
How is this partnership funded? Is there private funding involved?
Our goal is for the Coalition to be a financially sustainable partnership for all partners involved. However, we recognize that additional support in the form of foundation funding is often necessary to kickstart partnerships. We have therefore spent the last year learning from national leaders in the field and designing this partnership model through the support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This support will extend through 2021.
What financial support will NYCDOE offer preparation programs who are part of this partnership?
NYCDOE will seed fund the Site Coordinator role during the 2020-2021 school year. Seed funding for the Site Coordinator role in the pilot will total $75,000 per selected institution. After that year, the NYCDOE will provide technical assistance and support to preparation programs as they consider how to create a sustainable model that funds the Site Coordinator role without external funding.
Please note that all identified preparation program partners will automatically receive seed funding for the Site Coordinator role for the first year of implementation.
What is the financial commitment required of preparation programs?
We recognize that partnership requires time and commitment from all partners. Coalition members, including preparation programs, school sites, and NYCDOE will commit to attending regular governance meetings, taking steps necessary (e.g., extend clinical experiences, train cooperating teachers, etc.) to build candidate competency, and gathering data to inform continuous improvement efforts. In addition to committing their time, preparation programs will work with the Coalition to create a sustainably funded model; NYCDOE will provide technical assistance to support preparation programs as they determine how to fund the Site Coordinator position after the first year. Any additional financial commitments from partners will be discussed at the launch of the partnership and on an ongoing basis.
We're concerned about the feasibility of the Site Coordinator role. How will we be supported to recruit and hire a Site Coordinator?
The Site Coordinator plays an important role in this partnership model, serving to support both teacher educators and teacher candidates while also providing a crucial connection between the preparation program and school sites. Because this role is so critical to the model, we have spent the last year working with national field leaders who have experienced tremendous success with partnerships that also include the site coordinator role. We can, therefore, provide you with the tools and resources you need to recruit, hire, and support a Site Coordinator.
What if we want to continue placing our teacher candidates at school sites where we currently have strong relationships? Is that an option?
The Coalition plans to invest in NYC’s hardest to staff certification and geographic areas and will, therefore, prioritize school sites that meet those criteria. Additionally, partners will work together to ensure existing school site relationships are honored to the extent possible.
Will Cooperating Teachers in the Coalition serve under the TDF line and be eligible for a pay differential?
Not necessarily. The Coalition will support preparation programs to identify school partners and qualified Cooperating Teachers, but cannot guarantee funding for the Cooperating Teacher (or TDF) role.
Why do we need to complete a readiness assessment? How will you use it to identify preparation program partners?
While our ultimate goal is to engage in a deeper partnership with all of our preparation program partners around the twelve components, we understand that some preparation programs might feel more prepared to engage in this partnership than others right now.
We will use the readiness assessment to help us identify three preparation programs that are in a place where they can fully engage in this deeper partnership. We recognize this partnership opportunity is new, and while we are confident about the impact it will have on NYC teachers and students, we also know we will be learning and improving the partnership model alongside our initial partners. We will therefore, be looking for partners whose readiness assessment demonstrates their excitement and willingness to engage in a pilot program.
Who from my preparation program should complete the readiness assessment?
The readiness assessment is intended to be a group effort across faculty and staff at your preparation program who are important influencers and decision makers, and/or who would be key implementers of this new partnership. We recommend gathering this group of people and developing the readiness assessment together.
If we are interested in partnering on some model components but not all model components, should we still complete the readiness assessment?
We strongly encourage any interested preparation programs to complete the readiness assessment. The readiness assessment will help you reflect more deeply on the model and allow you to detail the commitments you would make and the support you desire within each component. If identified to join the Coalition, the NYCDOE will then work with you to determine how we can best meet the needs of all partners together. This might mean prioritizing some components over others for your preparation program. We therefore expect each partnership to look slightly different in implementation, and would happily discuss that with you should you be selected.
What if my program isn’t currently doing any work related to one of the model components?
There is no expectation that Coalition members are already fully implementing every model component. Instead, the Coalition seeks preparation programs that are excited and willing to grow alongside school site partners and the NYCDOE. Preparation programs should therefore, be honest about their current level of implementation and thoughtful about their commitments and desired support.
What criteria will you use when identifying preparation programs to join the Coalition?
We are looking for preparation programs that are excited to join a deeper partnership with school sites and the NYCDOE around the twelve model components. We are also looking for preparation programs that are committed to transparency and using data for continuous improvement. As preparation programs will be joining our pilot year of this partnership, a willingness to learn together is important. We therefore, seek partners that will work together to build a rigorous and coherent teacher preparation experience that has a strong equity focus and is financially sustainable.
What is the identification process timeline?
We ask that preparation programs complete and submit the readiness assessment by March 30th.
We will review the readiness assessments and invite preparation programs for an interview in late April. Interviews will allow us to better understand the preparation program’s readiness to join this partnership and Coalition. We will then notify preparation programs with our final decisions in early May.
If I'm not identified to join the Coalition in this round, will I have the opportunity to participate in this deeper partnership in the future?
Our hope is to one day engage all of NYC’s preparation programs partners in this deeper partnership model. We feel confident that this partnership model will be long-lasting and will therefore, provide future opportunities for preparation programs who are not initially identified to join in the partnership. We will continue to communicate with you about these future opportunities, and know that many of your teacher preparation programs are also engaged in other NYCDOE initiatives.